How Do You Move Into the Upper Markets With Life Settlements?

How hard or easy is it to help clients move into the upper market?

Today, Bob Larsen answers this question by explaining exactly what it takes. He discusses how the process works in recognizing and understanding who a potential prospect is and how advisors can benefit from working with a settlement brokerage firm.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The best approach advisors can take with their clients to discuss reviewing their policy.
  • How an open-door approach can lead to life settlements.
  • The importance of performing an in-depth analysis of a client’s portfolio.
  • Why providing the best help to your current clients helps an advisor approach the upper markets.
  • What the concept of “one-up” means in life settlements.
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn the steps that can lead you to helping clients in the upper markets.

Resources:  Settlement Masters